GBRCニュース   2003.07.28


Annals of Business Administrative Science

                  Vol.2, No.3 発行!! 



7月25日付でAnnals of Business Administrative Science, Vol.2, No.3が発行





The clarification of the tacit knowledge to assess non-profit organizations in Japan


A support center for non-profit organizations is a kind of intermediary focusing

on the information and consultation in non-profit sector in Japan. This paper

examines organizational assessment to Japanese non-profit organizations with

the explicit knowledge transferred from the tacit knowledge in one grant-making

foundation, The Nippon Foundation. In particular, while such evaluations are based

on the more explicit evaluation criteria of (1) the characteristics of the

organization and (2) the characteristics of the leader from evaluation data of

24 support centers in Japan, the more tacit and critical evaluation criteria of

(3) planning ability and (4) organizational capability determine the total evaluations.

This paper concludes that self-business approaches are important for the

autonomic growth of non-profit organizations.


Keyword: non-profit organization, organizational assessment,

discriminant analysis」



 住所 〒100-6309東京都千代田区丸の内2-4-1

丸の内ビルディング9階 960区

 電話 03-5208-4272
