ABAS Conference 2024 Spring

Kojima Hall, University of Tokyo
Tokyo, Japan

Part 1  April 8, 2024

15:00〜15:05 Opening with Coffee

15:05〜15:45 The Exchangeability of Growth Measures of Professional Service Firms: Testing Concurrent Validity.
         Ryuichi Nakmoto (Kyushu University)
         Shohei Funatsu (The University of Tokyo)

15:45〜15:50 Closing

Part 2  May 13, 2024

12:00〜12:05 Opening with Coffee

12:05〜12:45 A Review of previous studies on integration of marketing and R&D: Trend analysis for the 30 years since 1990.
         Kikuchi Hiroki (Nishogakusha University)
         Ogu Tatsushi (Nishogakusha University)

12:45〜13:25 The type of network structure to target varies depending on the stage of advertising objectives.
         Yufu Kuwashima (Otsuma Women's University)
         Sayaka Matsumoto (Otsuma Women's University)

13:25〜14:05 The Exchangeability of Growth Measures of Professional Service Firms: Testing Concurrent Validity.
         Ryuichi Nakmoto (Kyushu University)
         Shohei Funatsu (The University of Tokyo)

14:05〜14:10 Closing

Part 3  June 10, 2024

13:00〜13:05 Opening with Coffee

13:05〜13:45 Managing Obstacles to Organizational Ambidexterity: From the Perspective of the Integrated N-T Model.
         Fumie Ando (Nanzan University)
         Yumi Tonan (MIMIGURI, Inc.)
         Keisuke Tomata (MIMIGURI, Inc.)

13:45〜13:50 Closing

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